Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.

Neighborhood News

Welcome Autumn Lakes Homeowners!
  • If your information has changed, please take the time to update your profile. This will become increasingly more important as we become more dependent on our web site to keep all of our ALHA members informed about our beautiful little neighborhood. If you have forgotten or have not submitted a request for your password, please due so ASAP.
  • Dues for 2021 will be mailed out early June for regular $300 Annual Due.
Helpful Hints:
  • Now is a great time to test your smoke detectors batteries
  • If you have streaking on your shingle roof a product called "Spray and Forget" has been successful for cleaning and can be purchased at most major retailers.
  • For those with Boat trailers there has been an area cleared at the end of Rover Crest Cove where boats can be parked. (of course at own risk and there have been no reports of issues in the past)
  • Please remember to check with your HOA Board on any Construction or Renovation projects that effect the outside of your homes as there are some restrictions and rules in our Covenants against changing items that effect values or look of the neighborhood and board is always ready to quickly consider modifications as needed. Also please remember there are only 2 specific mailboxes approved which are listed on our Website.


If board had additional funds available where would you like to see the investments be made?

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Upcoming Events

No Events at this time.